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My Dear Daughter

I want so much for you to know
how much I love you.

I am critical of you sometimes,
but it's only because I have experienced
so much more of life, and I can often
see that the path you are taking
today, may not take you where
you want to be tomorrow.

I know, too, that you are still young,
and you have to experience life for

If I can....I just want to spare you some of
the pain I had to go through on my
own path in life....

When the words don't come with all I
want to say, I can still say this:
I love you tremendously. I would do
anything for you. And I promise I will
try to be more patient and understanding
of you, and I pray that you will do the
same for me.

And do me a favor sometimes....
tell me you love me, okay?
Having you grow up so quickly
is hard on me.

By Carol Ann Bader


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