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Thank You For Being My Daughter

What can I say to you to let you know
what a special person you've been in my life?
You have always been there for me
like a guardian angel...
you've been my best friend,
my playmate, my mother,
my helper, my mirror, my teacher,
my student,
as well as my beautiful daughter...
it seems whatever my needs are
at the time,
you are exactly what I am needing.

I love so many things about you...
I love your beautiful smile,
I love the way you love life
and live every moment to be happy...
I love that you don't make me
feel old when I'm with you.

I love the way you make me feel
like a special Mom...
I love your sensitivity to me
and to others,
and I love that you are
so much fun just to be with.

I love that you like to call me,
and you make me feel
like you really want to talk to me,
not just out of obligation
to call your Mom...
and I love that you make
me feel so good when
you introduce me to your friends...
you make me feel truly loved.

I love that you seem to care
what I think about you
and your life,
and you make me feel like you really do
value my opinions most of the time.
I love that you have something in you
that makes you so charismatic
to me and to others,
and that they can see
the special person you truly are,
and I believe that you are from
the highest realms of heaven
and know you were brought here
just to make people happy...
and you do that so well!

And I know I must be pretty
special myself for you
to have chosen me
as your mother in this lifetime...
and I hope in our next life together,
you can be my mom
so I can love you with the same
caring, support, and love
you have given me...
and I can make you proud
of me as I am of you.

But most of all, sweet angel child of mine,
I love that you are my daughter
and my friend,
and that I have you in my life...

Thanks for being the daughter
I always wanted...
I couldn't have asked for a better one...
I love you so much.

Poem by T.G. Langston


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