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Song Playing is
"Just As I Am"


I am Healing

Lady Pic

My friends, be patient with me,
For I have suffered a grievous wound
and I know not whether to live or die.
Do not judge me weak
for if you, too, were felled
by these wounds you most
likely could not, yourself, prevail.

Know that I am striving to rise again,
and yet my scrambling feet
find little purchase
on this steep slope of despair
Think well of me,
and do not scrutinize the patterns of my steps.
I seek now merely to stand upright
and cannot yet, perform the dance you do.

Still, I go on and one day soon
I may feel again the rythm
that you move to.
And on that day
do you clasp my eager hands
and join me in the joyful dance of life.

~ Author Unknown ~


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