Memories Are Things Banner

Song Playing is
"Now And Forever"


Memories are made of things

Memories Are Made Of Things Pic

Memories are made of things
that happen every day.
Moments as we live them
things we've done
or things we say.
Little bits and pieces
of laughter mixed with tears.
Paragraphs and pages
written throughout our years.
The carefree days of our childhood
the growing pains of our youth.
A few of our illusions shattered
in our endless search for truth.
The friendships we remember
Mistakes that we regret
The never ending love affair
is one you don't forget.
Yes! Memories are happening
each one a different kind.
Each and every one is beautiful
that stays printed in our minds.
We can't erase the sadness
or edit out the tears.
We can't undo the wrong we've done
We can't relive the years.
But since memories keep building
each day can be the start.
of making new and happy ones
To live within our hearts!

Written by Janice Lynne Asch

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