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Song Playing is
"One Little Candle"


Only The Best

Only The Best Pic

1Gold Heart Pic

One heart of gold stopped beating,
two shining eyes at rest,
God broke our hearts to prove,
He only takes the best.

God knows you had to leave us,
but you did not go alone,
for part of us went with you,
the day He took you home.

To some you are forgotten,
to others just part of the past,
but to us who loved and lost you,
the memory will always last.


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All content © 1998 - 99 by Mike's Piece Of Heaven.
All right reserved.
All other copyrights belong to their respective holders.

The graphic used in this set is © and
the sole property of the Artist Danny Hahlbohm.
It is used in this set with his permission.

Graphic From Collection of Artist Danny Hahlbohm
Graphic used on this set is © by the Artist Danny Hahlbohm.
Graphic is from the Collection of
Artist Danny Hahlbohm.
This particular graphic is called "I Am The Light"

Homesite for Autographed Prints by Danny Hahlbohm

Danny's Art for Un-Autographed Prints and Wholesale Prices.

All graphics © 1998 - 99
Dream Web Designs by Lady Care
All right reserved.
All other copyrights belong to their respective holders.

Lady Care's Logo
This background set was made and copyrighted by Lady Care.
Please do not take any of the set or the graphics.
Thank you for respecting the copyright laws.