Song Playing is "Count Your Blessings"

Praise the Lord

Praise the Lord
Praise the Lord for He helps me daily,
He gives me comfort when others mock me.

He knows when my heart is troubled.
And He knows how to give me peace.
Praise the Lord for He is my refuge.
I can call on Him when I feel blue.
When others make me feel so different,
I know what I need to do.

When I feel all of life's pressures
I know that He can make things better.
I start to pray and remember
How a Christian should surrender.

I should remember that I gave my life
the day I was baptized.
I put myself in His hands
and my life is no longer mine.

When I came up out of the water
I then belonged to Christ.
And from that day on 'til forever
He holds the "title" of my life.

So I need not worry, I should not shed tears
for when I feel lonely or blue,
I am comforted and reminded
that the Lord will help me through.

Praise the Lord today and always.

By: Evie R.

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