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Oh how my heart aches, I am sure for days to come. The Lives, of so many lost, taken before their time, due to acts of evil, and cruelty. So many people left with scars, with-out Loved Ones, and feeling so alone. My Prayers and Heart goes out to the Whole United States:
Victims, To The President, To The Emergency Workers,
The Men in our Military Forces.

To the People responsible to these acts, It is so sad, and so unfair that others feel they have to do such awful, heartless things, to so MANY innocent people.

The day, September 11, 2001 will be forever etched in my heart and in my mind. As many of you know, from past visits, it is also the Date my Brother Mike was called home to be with the Lord, in 1997 from a tragic, sudden car crash. I know if Mike were still here, he would be one of the volunteers going to New York to help any way that he could, that's the kind of person Mike was. I know he as well as the Lord wants this page added to his Tribute. I know the long days that are ahead of all of those who will be grieving their loss of Loved Ones. The whole situation made me hurt so much, but to see so many people, clinging onto a piece of paper of their missing, dead, loved ones, looking for them, made my heart go into my throat... You are forever in my Prayers,
and in my Heart.

I Pray we can all heal from this date, we will NEVER forget it, but I Pray, there is Hope for the future Days that are still to come for this world. Do NOT be scared and run in fear, now more than ever the whole USA needs YOU,
and needs YOUR prayers. God has ALL of this in his hands,
now and for the days that follow.

What saddens my Heart more, is so many are needing to know that, we do NOT ever know when all of our last days will be here on earth. So many lost souls, not knowing the Lord Jesus, this is ALL in the Bible, God's Word, of what our last days here on this earth will be like. I Pray, that we ALL see this as a wake up call, and we become saved, if we are not already, and we all get right with the Lord, before it is to late. Only YOU know in your heart if you need to do anything in the Lord Jesus name, to make sure things are right between you and HIM. If you do NOT know the Lord, there is a invitation for YOU at the bottom of this page, where you CAN accept Jesus Christ into your heart and begin walking with the Lord. No matter who you are, or what you are doing, Jesus wants YOU in the kingdom of Heaven. No-one knows when the Last Day will come, He IS the Alpha and Omega, the Beginning and the End, and I pray so hard, that we ALL know the Lord Jesus,
BEFORE that FINAL day comes.

I am a firm Believer, as you can see, there is NOTHING in this WORLD that GOD can NOT intervine in, and have his hand in, he IS GOD. He is there to HELP pick up the pieces of bad things that happen, he does NOT create bad things.

I have created a web home, that has been built up to stand in ALL I BELIEVE in over the past year, and it is my Lord, that helps me, and I create the pages. Please know, I no longer worry about what someone may think or say that is not nice when they visit here, I have done a one on one ministry for quite some time now on the web with others I have met, but I am afraid time is running out, so I pray that the pages here Minister to YOU and YOUR heart, while you are visiting here, even if I never know it. I do not push others, in their Christian Walk, and I believe that Love and Kindness prevails, and know I create my pages with Love and Kindness, and a open humble heart. I am Very Thankful and Very Blessed that so many have seen the reflection of the Holy Spirit here and became Saved, and it is My Prayer, that we can ALL Heal, and move ahead, and that we can ALL help each other, and we can ALL be saved, and live for the Lord Jesus.
We need him badly,
in a lost and dying world.

My Prayers remain to ALL of us, Thank you for reading this Special Page,

God Bless America, and God Bless You


REVELATION 22:12,13,14- And behold, I come quickly; and my reward is with me, to give every many according as his work shall be. I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end, the first and the last. Blessed are they that do his commandments, that they may have right to the tree of life, and may enter in through the gates into the city.


Memories Keep Those We Love
Close to Us Forever

Although words seem to say so little,
I hope they help in some small way
to ease the sense of loss
that you're experiencing today.
Hold fast to your memories,
to all of the cherished moments
of the past,
to the blessings and the laughter,
the joys and the celebrations,
the sorrow and the tears.
They all add up to a treasure
of fond yesterdays
that you shared and spent together,
and they keep the one you loved
close to you in spirit and thought.

The special moments
and memories in your life
will never change.
They will always be in your heart,
today and forevermore.

- Linda E. Knight

John 14:27- Peace I leave with you,
My peace I give unto you:
not as the world giveth
give I unto you.
Let not your heart be troubled,
neither let it be afraid.

Please visit Memory of the Plane Passengers Memory of the Plane Passengers


JOHN 6:37
Him that cometh to me
I will in no wise cast out

Please visit Salvation Prayer If you have not already, Will you accept Jesus into your life today?

Please visit Holy Spirit Prayer A Prayer to Receive the Holy Spirit

Please visit Forgiveness Prayer A Prayer to help us Forgive Others

Please visit My Christian Walk My Christian Walk


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~ Page Created September 13, 2001 ~ All right reserved.
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