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"Everything I Do"

Here is an index of what you will find here:

Mike's Piece of Heaven Site Map

Mike's Section

Alexis's Section

Melissa's Section


Mike's Piece Of Heaven Section

Mike's Story Mike's Holidays Pages
Mike's Pictures Mike's Letter to His Daughter
Mike's Letter To His Family Letter To Dad and Mom
Letter to Mike w/Love,Velta Mike's Letter To His Friends
Mike's Letter To The World Mike's Poems To His Daughter
Grandma Hazel's Garden A Loving Grandpa
Mike's Awards - Apply For One!! Mike's Awards Received
Mike's Gifts Page Mike's Webrings
Mike's Banner Exchange Mike's Links
Mike's Causes Loving Memories
Poetry Index Page A Special Poem
My Sisters Letter about Forgivness Jeremy's Letter
Accepting the Lord(Salvation Prayer) A Special Page Made For Mike

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Alexis's Section
Alexis's Main Page Alexis's Pics
Alexis's Holiday Pages Poems to Alexis From Her Father
Letter to Alexis From Her Father Alexis's Awards Received

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Melissa's Section

Melissa's Main Page About Melissa(2000)
Accepting the Lord(Salvation Prayer) Forgiving Someone Else
Forgiving Yourself Forgiveness Prayer
Melissa's Christian WalkMelissa's Spiritual Page
Christian Poetry Meet My Husband
Poems To My Husband Justin's Racing Cars
Zach's Teddy Bears Poems To My Sons
Mike's Page Alexis's Page
More about Melissa (2001) Marriage Poetry
Grandma Hazel's Garden A Loving Grandpa
Melissa's Causes Melissa's Memberships
Melissa's Webrings Melissa's Birthday Gifts
Melissa's Webring Gifts Our Grandma's Birthday Gifts
Special page from Milena My Families Special Days
Bday Page HofG Bday Page: RAOK
Friends Gifts Melissa's Christmas 2000
Melissa's Thanksgiving 2000 Melissa's Best Friend Page
Special Thanks Ladycare Melissa's Banner Exchange
Melissa's Thanks Melissa's Awards Received
Justin's Awards (Apply) Zach's Awards (Apply)
Melissa's Awards (Apply) Moments with God
Attack on America Dedication

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All content © 1998 - 99 by Mike's Piece Of Heaven.
All right reserved.
All other copyrights belong to their respective holders.

All graphics © 1998 - 99
Dream Web Designs by Lady Care
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All other copyrights belong to their respective holders.

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This background set was made and copyrighted by Lady Care.
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